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Enough already . . . we've seen everything in this little preview of yours . . . let's get on with it! Okay, okay . . . on May 27, 2008 Mission: Metallica becomes our way to bring you in and share with you not only the writing and recording process that's been taking place in the last 18 months, but also what's ahead between now and when the record is in your hands. And instead of waiting and releasing some "making of the record" additional DVD in a bullshit deluxe package when the album comes out, we figured why not let you be part of it up front?

Here's the deal . . . Mission: Metallica is your chance to be on the inside of the new album with fly on the wall video footage, riffs and excepts of the music, studio photos, cool contests, and some trips back in time to Lars' vault with live downloads and rare photos. You're going to be part of the experience over the next four months or so as we put the finishing touches on the album, including mixing, mastering, artwork, photo sessions, etc.

Now the fine print . . . because of all the different rules, laws, currencies, record company crap, and generally, the ins and outs of all the far corners of the world, Mission: Metallica isn't going to be available in every country at the same time, and you may even see some other differences depending on where you live. We're going to keep you posted here and we're going to make sure that we do whatever we can, so that no matter where you live, you'll have a kick ass time checking it out.

After you've had a chance to hang out and cruise around the site, if you decide that a lot just isn't enough and you need more, more, more and extra more, then check out the platinum version . . . more photos, more video clips, more contests, a download of the new single when it's ready, downloads of photos, videos, and live shows, and a copy of the new album in the format of your choice with it arriving to you the same day it hits the record stores. "Just when does the damn album come out" you ask? We'll tell you soon . . . honest!! (there might even be a clue a couple of paragraphs back!) You'll have a plethora of options for how you receive your copy of the new album . . . check out the Mission: Metallica site for all the gory details.

Met Club members: Check www.metclub.com for info on how you get access to the Mission: Metallica Platinum experience for free.

We're excited to take this ride with you . . . and have all kinds of cool stuff planned for the summer. To be honest with you, just like the album, the site is still a work in progress so along with all the new music, we're also going to keep adding things for you to see, do, and listen to. There is an element of making this up as we go along, so let's have fun with that. Let us know what you think about the ride and if there's anything we're missing.

Последние комментарии
ладно хотя бы ша-ла-ла радио работает - и на том спасибо :-...
Написал: sma111
похоже функционал еще действует - но загрузки музыки не про...
Написал: sma111
Гвен Стефани красотка :-) жжет как всегда.... спасибо!
Написал: sma111
ну. Грин дей моя любимая группа, у нее много красивых и инт...
Написал: sma111
очень даже неплохо! спасибо.
Написал: sma111
реально красивая песня, спасибо!
Написал: sma111
Мой любимый!
Написал: JhonShow
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