From his childhood Vlad was in love with robots.
When in Soviet Union first computers appeared small Vlad did everything in
his child power to get it. Then to study it. He opened the box, he
looked inside for those littl... Читать целиком
N3xu5 - Это Луис Мигель Лопес родился в Лиссобоне, Португалия.
Начал работать с музыкой 5 лет назад, набирая ди-джеев в индустриальные клубы (Лиссабона, Порто и Коимбра). Первый контакт с Гоа транс музыкой был в году 20... Читать целиком
Alien Mental is La from Chennai (India), currently living in San Francisco. He started his audial voyage playing in many different bands: metal, punk, jazz. He was pulled into the electronic realm of music in 2000,... Читать целиком
KEROSENE CLUB is a figment of a fragment of Brian Fernandes a.k.a dj 26brian’s alternate imagination. KEROSENE CLUB came into existence into dj 26Brian̵... Читать целиком