Rapper from Moscow with his own special sound and style. He pretend to be the most intelligent Russian rapper. It seems like the whitest rap you can get in Russia. This music can be called only hip-hop, but it’s free of trace of blind copying of culture of negros.
Special thing to be mentioned is the alter ego Mikola Perestoukinskiy. A lot of clever parody for different things (from army to rap games) was rapped under this name. The manner of Mikola rap had been interpolated from US ghetto to russian countryside.
Nice, plain and essential texts show you the way the author looks at many problems and even philosophic questions. This lyrics don’t set an opinion in your mind, but let you find it by yourself, giving the idea.
Moskovskii repper, s osobennym zvuchaniem i svoim stilem. On spokoino mozhet pretendovat’ na pervoe mesto v kategorii «Samyi intellektual’nyi repper». Eto pozhalui samyi belyi rep, kotoryi mozhno naiti v Rossii. Etu muzyku mozhno nazvat’ tol’ko hip-hopom, no ona ne ostavlyaet etogo privkusa bezdumnogo kopirovaniyu negrityanskoi kul’tury.
Otdel’nogo upominaniya zasluzhivaet al’ter ego Mikola Perestukinskii. Pod etim imenem prochitano mnozhestvo ostroumnyh parodii na samye razlichnye temy ot nashei armii do rossiiskogo repa. Prichem dlya etogo obraza vybran stil’ shtatovskogo getto, interpolirovannyi na rossiiskuyu glubinku. U reppera napryazhennye otnosheniya s gruppoi «Kasta».
Otlichnye teksty soderzhat v sebe nenavyazchivuyu pozitsiyu avtora, vyskazannuyu prostym yazykom, na mnogie, v tom chisle, filosofskie voprosy. Eta lirika chasche ne govorit kak vam nado dumat’, a skoree podtalkivaet k samostoyatel’nomu resheniyu…
Источник: lastfm.ru