Текст песни:
Black, cold and dismal Sweeping through the nocturnal haze Led by the midnight breeze On its journey to its resting place
A shadow out of time Hidden between different spheres Forsaken by memory To forever fly alone
A Winter Shadow Under the haunted starlight Under the light of the moon Among stars so bright Delivered from Gods And cursed to an everlasting search
Passed certain heavenly places Cried out at the gates of light No open door was seen Why it decided to assault
At the throne of the Almighty It asked for hospitality But the hands of God Threw this stranger out
Time for a final step It seduced through darkened space Ended the hellish gates stood proud
But a shadow out of time Yet caught between spheres It supposed to enter the night And to forever fly alone
To forever fly alone...
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Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Experimental, Psychedelic