Группа «Scary B.O.O.M.» существует уже полтора десятка лет, но за пределами крохотных питерских клубов совершенно неизвестна. Отчасти тому виной выбранный музыкантами узкий стиль сайкобилли. Но только отчасти.
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The Roughnecks started in West Berlin in 1984/1985. Tom Reiss (g/v) saw Tex (g) Schmidt ´s 56 Chevrolet Impala on the street and they started a talk. The two wrote a list of own songs, added a guy named Chicken (... Читать целиком
The Caravans are more an uptempo, melodic Rockabilly band than typical Psycho stuff. But their regular appearances on so many different Psychobilly compilation albums & Psychobilly festivals that you have to n... Читать целиком
Rezurex is a psychobilly band from California. Rezurex was first formed in 2001. The band was originally called Lobo Negro. They are known for their original style of psychobilly with influence from 50’s rock and ... Читать целиком