TRUTH CORRODED are an extreme thrash metal band from Adelaide, South Australia. Since reforming as a five piece in 2003, the band has recorded three albums, OUR ENEMY IS THE WEAPON in 2005 and UPON THE WARLORDS C... Читать целиком
Хард Рок группа с латиноамериканскими корнями.
Группа стала известной после того, как стала, фактически, сопровождающей группой сольной карьеры Брюса Дикинсона, а основатель и лидер Roy Z стал известным продью... Читать целиком
Multoc began in November of 2003, but its creation was conceived long before. Members Patrick Maxwell and Ashton Parsons had envisioned this band from the first time they played together in their first band Seed. After S... Читать целиком