Ben Woods Is a full time student at the University of Plymouth UK, where most of this music is written and recorded. His style is has been described as dense and intoxicating whilst at the same time beautiful and deep... Читать целиком
Slow Dancing Society - музыкант из Вашингтона по имени Drew Sullivan. Если когда-либо был художник, который действительно выражал бы себя через вызов музыке, искусству и времени, то Slow Dancing Society бы... Читать целиком
Portland musicians Kevin Davis and Jesse Robert W. packed a Uhaul full of guitars, drums, a fender Rhodes, and some modest recording equipment, driving over 1000 miles to reach a secluded cabin in the desert of souther... Читать целиком
New Century Classics was formed in Krakow, Poland in May 2006 (though adding their final member and fine-tuning their sound in September-October 2006) and existed for three years, two EPs and one album as a... Читать целиком