Текст песни:
You know Renee I'm bored while you pulsate, come as ever
Can you come as ever?
Seeking more sun here in your day, come as ever
Can you come as ever?
Making me warm here to your taste, come as ever
Did you come as ever?
I'll beat them black and beat them blue
I'll beat them 'til they oh oh oh
Use the best and use the best and oh oh oh oh oh oh
Know, would you know now it's getting late, come as ever
Can you come as ever?
Knowing your eyes are dinner plates, come as ever
Can you come as ever?
Making me warm here to your taste, come as ever
Did you come as ever?
I'll beat them black and beat them blue
I'll beat them 'til they oh oh oh
Use the best and use the best and oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh and up there Renee I'm bored while you pulsate, come as ever
Can you come as ever?
Making me warm here to your taste, come as ever
Did you come as ever?
Beat them black and beat them blue
Beat them 'til they oh oh oh
Use the best and use the best and oh oh oh oh oh oh
Come they'd never know
Come they'd never know
Come they'd never know
Come they'd never know
Come they'd never know
Come they'd never know